vineri, 7 ianuarie 2011

Know the System Call : system call in linux

In theory System calls provide the interface between the program (user program current) and the Operating System. System call is to be a bridge between the processes and systems operation. The system call is written in assembly language or high-level language engine control (C).

Example: UNIX provides system calls: read, write is input and output operations to the file.
Know the System Call
Now we will discuss about the system call in linux. As mentioned above that the system call is actually a bridge between the process and the operating system, for example, when if we make a program that can give voice may often known as winamp, then the program should be able to access hardware that acts to produce a sound that is soundcard. How to access the program can not directly communicate with the hardware is concerned, therefore we need a system call. Simply by calling the system call associated with accessing soundcard way, then we create a program that can run. system call itself is a function that is made with C language on the Linux operating system, there are hundreds of system calls with different functions.
To access the system call, there are two ways, first by using a command interpreter or shell which is often known, both through a program created by the language C. Accessing the System Call Through the Linux Shell has some kind of shell, like Cshell, kornshell, BASH, etc.. Here are some shell commands, namely:

cp: Copy files .
rm: Delete files .
mkdir: Make directories .
ls: Displays information file .
more: Displays the contents of the file in screen.
cat: Displays the contents of the file .
man: Displays documentation .
mv: Moving files to another directory or rename files .
cd: Change working directory .
rmdir: Remove directory .
touch: Create an empty file.

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